©Riddle me this?

Identification Riddles

A series of riddles to challenge you to identify a range of plumbing components and systems.

©Voice recordings "Riddle Me This"

Riddle me this #001.WAV

I'm a place of cleansing, where worries fade, Where grime and stress are gently swayed. I welcome you with warmth and embrace, A moment of solace, a tranquil space.

What am I?

Riddle me this #002.WAV

I'm a porcelain friend, a discreet delight, Offering a gentle spray, both warm and light. I cleanse and soothe, leaving you feeling refreshed, A touch of luxury, your backside's blessed.

What am I?

Blocked toilet voice recording.WAV

I'm a plumbing predicament, a cause for dismay, Where water refuses to flow away. I'm a source of frustration, a household's bane, Until a plunger or plumber brings me back in reign.

What am I?

Heat pump voice recording.WAV

Once a cooling champion, a master of heat, Transforming vapor to liquid, oh so neat. But now I'm a burden, a malfunctioning mess, Trapped in a cycle of failure, my cooling prowess suppressed.

What am I?

Heating voice recording.WAV

Once a silent guardian, keeping homes warm, Now a relic of comfort, facing a storm. With pipes chilled and pumps silent, its warmth has ceased, Leaving homes shivering, a winter's unease.

What am I?

Radiator voice recording.WAV

Once a source of warmth and comfort, Now a silent, useless fort. Its fins are bent, its pipes are cracked, A relic of the past, sadly attacked.

What am I?

Burst pipe voice recording.WAV

I'm a hidden menace, a watery foe, Unleashing a torrent, a gushing flow. From walls and ceilings, my tears do stream, Causing havoc and chaos, a plumber's nightmare's dream.

What am I?

Boiler voice recording.WAV

A metal beast I hide in the wall, In winter's grasp, I heed the call. With pipes and pumps, I weave my art, Warming your home with a fiery heart.

What am I?

Pump voice recording.WAV

I work silently, hidden from view, Pushing warmth through pipes, old and new. I'm the heart of your home's heating system, Ensuring comfort when winter's a-whispin'.

What am I?